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DeployCare was established to offer understanding and support to our service members and their families before, during, and after deployments.


They have worked to compile necessary resources as well as research solutions to many of the challenges associated with military deployments.


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The Foundation was founded as a direct result of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombings and the Founders’ desire to reach the hurting. What started with a few boxes of donated books has now grown exponentially, expanded borders and touched millions of lives for the Kingdom.

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Exposing Nursing Home Abuse and Helping Seniors Get Justice

Nursing Home Abuse Justice was founded to expose the epidemic of abuse and neglect in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Each year, tens of thousands of nursing home residents are seriously injured or die in facilities that promise to care for them. Our mission is to stop the abuse and end the cycle driven by negligence and greed. Anyone who abuses a senior citizen in a nursing home or assisted living facility needs to be held accountable for their sinister actions.

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